Sunday, February 20, 2011

Affect or Effect?

Like many Americans I am plagued with a problem. The problem of not being able to tell the difference between the two words mention in the title. I mean I know many of you are going to be like "What are you fucking stupid?" well screw you, you fraking ass. It's not as much I can't remember the difference, it's more so that even when it is explained to me, I don't quite understand. Something about one being more like a noun and one more like a verb, or something to the tune. Regardless I can never tell.

There was something else I wanted to share with you fine folks this evening. I have momentarily forgotten what that is, though don't fret, I'll remember.

Speaking of you fine 'folks', I still don't necessarily believe there is anyone out there reading this. I have 127 or so views total on this page, but I feel like there isn't actually anyone there. Plus I have even less of an idea of who actually comes back regularly or if all 127 views are different people who never return.

So if you do actually purposely come back here to read this I must first, thank you, and then ask if you can maybe click on the "follow" thing to the right, or leave a message, or just something so that I actually know you exist and am not just talking to myself and a friend who feels bad for me and comes back to read this shat out of pity.

I was thinking of doing a lil something something in the flavor of "funny shit I've seen on the internet and want everyone else to experience as well." What do you all think about that? Yes? No? Because there is some SH*T out there that you need to see.

I never remembered what that thing I was trying to remember was, so get over it. It'll happen sooner or later, have patience.


  1. There you go bucko....I am now following you via google whatever. Hope you like the name and Prof pic as a follower.

  2. And fuck you for not remembering. And I vote yes whatmuffinthinks show us funny videos from the internet, or at least give us the links. And you better live up to the hype.
