Like this one time, I saw a spider so big, that when I tried to kill it with my shoe, it didn't work, and the spider preceded to mug my ass. He took my fucking shoes and everything. Jokes on that son of a bitch though, I only had two shoes and he needs eight. Who's laughing now? That's right. I am.
All bad spider jokes aside, I'm feeling like one of these days I'll get some content going in this guy. You know, I'll have bits, thingys, you know, reoccurring sub-themes with a purpose. What's the word for that?
Shit I forget, but either way.
Some shit you should listen to if you haven't already.
Rucka Rucka Ali
p.s. I swear, again, this isn't me trying to sell you stuff, as much as it's me trying to get you to listen to some funny shit that you might also just buy, and stuff.
Know what's even worse than a spider? A spider in your shower