Friday, June 24, 2011


Guess who's recently become voluntarily unemployed? THIS guy!

It's weird really. Whenever I leave a job it makes it seem like life is moving forward or changing in a more drastic way than it actually is. You know? Does it feel like that to anyone else? It's got that certain 'the first day of the rest of your life' feel to it. To me at least.

But yes that's right, Dynojet and I went our separate ways. I'm going be in Minnesota for a smidgeon starting right meow and ending who knows when and then I eventually start up school in the fall again so between those two things I have no time for Dynojet in my future. Which is a shame, I was like a superstar there, I was the 'Chosen One' and all that jazz. I fancy myself, in the year I was there, to be the greatest thing to happen to that place since it's founding.

Yes, I'm making that claim right here and right now.

Where too next you say? Right now I need to quickly do some things, more specifically, fancy grown up things like pay some bills, deposit some checks like a gangsta, mail something, pick up the place a bit before I leave, get some logistics out of the way, do a bit of the ol' science, commit some acts of 'hustling', you get the idea.

And I suppose after that a whole lot of balling on a budget so-to-speak, since I won't have an incoming flow of money. Until school starts that is, I'll be getting BANK when that happens.

But for the time being I'll be busy for a week or six so I'll catch you cats on the flip side...or six flip sides from now. Whichever it ends up being.


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