Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Foot is Down

Okay, so I play it up like I don't mind when you don't read this. But it's a lie. I totally expect all of you to read this.

Friends and family especially. You don't get to be friends and family without supporting my bullshit cockamamie ass interests.

You show up when I post on the MyFace but when I don't spam you, you don't come.

Well, new rule. You shut your damn mouth, sit down, and put your fucking email address in the box thingy on the right. I'm not asking. I'm telling. If you don't get an email every time I so much as fucking fart, I'm going to disown you and probably take you off the Christmas Mailing list and think you're a bad stupid poopy face.

So just do it you turd sandwiches. I hate having to solicit for viewers on Facebook like some sort of homeless liberal hippy asshole.

The job hunt is going fantastic BTW. People are lining up to hire me, I can't even decide who I like better. This is in no way an exaggerated lie.


  1. I used to get email updates when you posted your bullsit cockamamie ass interests what happened to that?

    1. I don't know. Enter your email again. I dare you.
